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RCCD – 2011 Scratch Build Project - Don Veres II Hollywood

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Name: ? Notsouglystick ?
Engines: 2xOS .20 + 1xOS .32
Final Weight:

Significant mod's:
- Tri-Motor
- Fully sheeted wing upper surface


02/08/11: I finally got the wing and naccelles covered. The naccelles are removable in order for working on the tank's or servo's. I'll have two OS -20's And an OS-32 in the nose. The OS-20's where used for combat back when the planes where made of balsa and foam. I'm borrowing the OS-32 from Keith

01/29/11: You'll see that things are getting done:

1) I've decided to sheet the whole wing , It's possible with my combat enthusiasm that I may over manuver at times so I thought it would be a good idea.

3) The nacelles are coming along also , I'm using the suggestion to make them removable.


2) I'm using triangle stock for leading edge ,less sanding.

P.S. Can you tell which ribs are upside down?

(Yeah right, sheet the whole wing so we can't SEE which ribs were upside down! Sneaky sneaky! -
Lightning )


(It has been suggested that his callsign should be changed from Hollywood to Bottoms-up, due to the rib Oops shown below! - Lightning)

01/24/11: Here's my drawing on the
nacelles for the 20's. --->
Don (Hollywood) aka Bottoms-up


01/19/11: I've decided to try a Tri-motor, two OS-20's and 1 OS-32. In one photo you can see the OS-20 and an 8 oz tank ,I'm just figuring out what to do for a nacelle. By the way I like your (Iceman) concept drawing on this same subject matter and may have to ask for copyrights on it !

In another photo you'll notice a razor saw and one of the blocks that are used for spacing so as to keep the saw cut 90 degrees to surface and I then installed a 3/8 " x 1.5 " trailing edge stock. This was on the advice of my Cheif Engineer Mr. Jones ( who's second job is as a English teacher) and it saves a lot of sanding. (This is also posted in the Tips page)

Also, there is a photo of a rib that was placed upside down ,actually there are two as my cheif engineer pointed out and I've come up with a solution. Since I can't find the Gremlin that is hiding in my basement I will duplicate the front of the rib and flip it over then glue it to the existing rib after which I will sand to the desired shape so as to continue with construction. Hope this helps others who have the same problem.

Notice the pin clamp use on the rib's rear spar. I used white gorilla glue and a small amount of ca

1/15/11 - I didn't know if I had a big enough table to build the wing then Keith and I went into the furnace room and low & behold I already had such a existing table all I did was remove the thousands of parts and the four aircrafts that where on it .I'm preping now so as to start on the wing ( still would like to make a twin ,maybe eletric). I could always add-on at the end of construction ! Don't know what motors to use though.



At the base of the pins are plastic round disks. I beleive I got them at the Prop Shop many years ago. They are good for sheeting although I use them for just about everything.
1/13/11: These photos show how the poly-u was used to glue triangle supports on firewall and wing mounting t-nut ply base. If you look carefully in the background there is a electric Sopwith Camel fuselage and fifteen combat wings in varius stages ( 9- covered & 6- ready to cover). These are secret photos not yet released to the pulic for security reasons. (they are now......!)

I was having a hard time deciding which glue to use so I'm going to use a combination of C-A ,White Gorilla and P-U. As, I continue, I will try to change Don's Uglystick to Don's Notsouglystick !




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